
cat stepping down

We are an all volunteer group, so all of your donations go directly to the care of the animals. In addition to the day-to-day care of our current animals, our future goals include upgrading and expanding the shelter so we can also take in more unadoptable cats.

Donate Online

network for good logoOnline donations in any amount are always welcome. We accept donations made through Network for Good, an online donation platform. Your donation is tax deductible (20-3431918).

Donate Online

Donate a Check

We also accept checks made out and mailed to:

530 Showers Drive, Suite 7191
Mountain View, CA 94040-1457

Donate Goods

We are also in need of:

  • Cat food of any brand (both wet and dry)
  • Large bath towels
  • Gently used cat/dog carriers, cat scratchers, and cat toys
  • Environmentally safe/organic cleaning products

Please contact us directly to coordinate delivery of your donation.

Donate by Shopping

donate a portion of what you spend at Goodshop to Good Home Animal Society.Love shopping? Show your support for abandoned and stray animals by using for your next online purchase and they’ll donate a portion of what you spend to Good Home Animal Society.